The Argonautic collection embodies a thirst for exploration, an enterprising spirit, and unyielding determination, traits that align with its namesake — the faithful companions of the legendary hero Jason, known as the "Argonauts." These daring individuals embarked on a quest aboard the mythically swift vessel "Argo" in search of the coveted Golden Fleece. Essential to such an endeavor are unwavering dependability, exactness, and toughness, attributes that the Argonautic series delivers in spades. Until recently, the professional diver's watch, with its 43 mm case size, wasn't suited to every wrist. This is no longer the case. The Argonautic 39 has introduced a subtle yet significant reduction in case size by precisely 3.5 mm. Now presenting a more modest 39.5 mm profile, it promises to be an impeccable fit for any wrist.